My Approach
Victims of coercive control are conditioned to abandon themselves and ultimately lose their identity. They can feel confused, isolated, worthless, and don't trust themselves. They feel shame and guilt for not leaving the relationship sooner, exposing themselves and their children to the abuse, and angry at themselves for allowing themselves to be controlled. This puts them at a great disadvantage if they then experience post-separation abuse and parental alienation.
This is by design.
This is how abuse works.
My approach is very simple: We work together on your personal journey to get clarity on your current situation, explore your goals, and create actionable steps to reach them.
what is Personal Justice?
This is how others have described personal justice to me:
Knowing I never have to abandon myself again.
My first feeling of personal justice was realizing I did not have to remain a victim, and that felt like freedom.
Personal justice began where my powerlessness ended.
It thrives where self-compassion is practiced, and empathy is put into action.
Personal Justice is a life lived with joy and purpose - a life free from being controlled.
My personal justice is being able to genuinely laugh and play again, and nurturing the relationships with my children he tried to destroy.
Learning that it's okay to be okay while also carrying pain.